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Meet Heather

As an entrepreneur, a wife, and mother of three young women, I see how important empowerment is in our every day life. And I see how living every day life can slowly erode our power when we are not conscious of our behaviors.


Do you ever get that feeling after an interaction that you did not say what you felt, or believed, because you did not want to make waves? You think it would be easier to keep your thoughts to yourself-but then you go home and ruminate about it? Or you find yourself doing all the work-because it just seemed easier than asking for help? 


I have been there. I get it.  As a military spouse my family moved, often. Sometimes it was easier to just try and fit in instead of speaking my truth. At times I did not even know what I thought or believed, because I was so disconnected from my inner wisdom. This makes it a challenge to connect authentically with people and make new friends. At times I struggled and felt isolated.


Finding balance in every day life is important for our physical, mental, and spiritual health. As a nurse, I understand the importance of maintaining physical health. As a yoga instructor and life coach I understand that emotional and spiritual health are intertwined with how our physical bodies are doing. And as a woman, I have personally experienced the importance of addressing all these issues simultaneously. When we only focus on one area we become out of balance.

Heather Bergen, Consistency Coach, meditating

Finding balance in every day life is important for our physical, mental, and spiritual health. As a nurse, I understand the importance of maintaining physical health. As a yoga instructor and life coach I understand that emotional and spiritual health are intertwined with how our physical bodies are doing. And as a woman, I have personally experienced the importance of addressing all these issues simultaneously. When we only focus on one area we become out of balance.


It is my passion to help women re-discover who they are, at their core, not who others tell them they should be. I will support you as you explore your unique gifts, and how you can live in a more aligned way. Reclaim your energy, and your personal power, as you connect with your inner wisdom.

Heather Bergen, Consistency Coach, workingon computer
Heather Bergen, Consistency Coach, holding a candle

 Create the life
to be living

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